
Alexandra Zsófia Regenbach Veres

One has to do two things to be happy: first, to believe in the meaning of life, and second, to find out, what it is. When you feel depressed, even then think about your goals. 

I am sure that you (just like me) have asked yourself several times: In which field am I the best? Some people have great skills in music, others in arts, cooking, driving… everyone is talented somehow, but many people do not recognize their talent, even if they have sense of achievement in something. I believe that in the summer of 2011, I stepped on the way of the awareness when I joined the “Use your talent” mentor programme. I felt that despite I had learned a lot in school and had experienced also a lot in my life in the last 25 years, I still did not know much about myself and the world around me.

Earlier, I was keenly interested in topics related to positive psychology, such as the productive power of thoughts, the law of attraction, self-knowledge issues, and how to live in this fast-paced world in harmony with myself and the world. Since the summer of 2011, I completed two semesters in the mentor programme, because I felt that it was time to listen to my intuition in order to get a better knowledge about myself and find the meaning of life as a member of a precious group. Thanks to my great group leaders, coaches and group-mates, I believe I am on the right way, and I have learned a lot about friendship, emotions and responsibility in the last two semesters. In the spring of 2012, together with 9 mates, I participated in the International Master Workshop Camp, where, for 10 days, we and other foreign students discussed the problems concerning the young people’s labour market integration.

Since my childhood, I have always thought it is important to help others. In high school, I took on volunteer jobs. After graduating from the university, I took a job as an office manager at the National Association for Children with Cancer and Leukemia (“Országos Szövetség a Daganatos és Leukémiás Gyermekekért Egyesület”). I am the editor in chief at the “Kincsünk a Gyermek” (Children, our treasure) magazine, and I am also a member of VitaliStaff of the National Association for Youth Protection and Talent Scout (“Nemzeti Ifjúságvédő és Tehetségkutató Egyesület VitaliStáb”) . I regularly take on volunteer jobs at Move! Public Association (”Mozdulj! Közhasznú Egyesület”) and Tomato Club (“Paradicsom Klub”).

After completing two semesters in the mentor programme, I began to work with the “I am the best” team in PR and marketing. Why PR?

I graduated from Budapest Business School (Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola)  on the communications and media major, with special focus on PR and spokesmanship. The title of my thesis was “Trust and Mistrust in the non-profit sector”. My thesis was awarded as the “PR thesis of the year – 2010” by the Hungarian PR Association.

The last two years, I participated in the PR Summer School as a lecturer. This Summer School is organized by the Hungarian PR Association and the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania. In addition to my PR and spokesman degree, I also graduated as a teacher and a bachelor of arts in the faculty of Hungarian language and literature at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary   in 2009.

In addition to my volunteer activities, I am the editor of the NGO section of the webpage. I also organize events for children, I like to read books, to take trips, to sing, to do sports, to write poems, to chat with my family and my friends, to laugh or playing board games.


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One has to do two things to be happy: first, to believe in the meaning of life, and second, to find out, what it ...
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